Team56 - UEFN Developers


The House Prop Hunt

Explore the house of the Oscar-winning movie Parasite (2019) and uncover the hidden secrets. Initially released as story explore mode in 2020 later changed with a twist of Prop Hunt....

Zombie Escape

Zombie Escape was the first-ever map created in Fortnite based on a zombie shooter back in 2019. The map has been played by thousands and loved by all featuring all the latest weapons and eering zombie fights in the dark!...

Rockets Vs Dirtbikes

A revolutionary game based on the rockets vs players genre. Unlike other maps which are super complex for players, this map prioritizes the player experience with a real-life inspired map aesthetic to bring good from both of the worlds!...

We aim to build a vibrant metaverse within Fortnite, where players can connect, enjoy and share immersive experiences.

© 2023 Team56